the stuffed collective

a collective of plush toys artists and illustrators

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I make stuff, I draw stuff, sometimes I make stuffed stuff which I then stuff with stuff

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

dont miss that flight...

about a month after first inspecting the space, Darren, Sam, Emmelene and Bernie were on board. These guys took a few weeks to design a section of the wall each. Em and Bernie took the left back wall, Darren and Sam the right wall....and Beck (me) had the kitchen to create in.

The team drove up from Melbourne and I flew....unfortunatly missing my flight and waiting 5 hours for the next one....from now on I am gonna get to the airport extra specially early.....waiting in airport foyers for 5 hours is on my top ten list of how to have a really really really shit boring time...

We got paint donated, and spray paint at a discount...the work for the dole chaps went on strike the day we got there so the work we were promised ended up being done by us and a very helpful tradesman that just happened to be in the hood at the right time and eager to help a bunch of struggling artist.

god bless tradesmen and their tool belts


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